Best Wishes for 2014

MPLewis | January 1, 2014

2013 has been a year of considerable progress and innovation for the Ethnologue. We not only were able to update the data and put it online as the 17th edition last February, but in addition the website was completely redesigned and modernized with a great new presentation of the data. At the same time, we were able to add several new features such as this blog, the Language of the Day, and the introduction of some new data fields or newly reformatted data to the language and country entries.

As we enter 2014, we plan to continue this process of innovation and improvement in the database itself as well as in the services we can provide in making the data available.

I won't take the time now, as we are all just beginning to return from the holiday season, to detail the plans for the coming year—but stay tuned! We have exciting new features in the works and we'll be rolling those out over the next few months.

The goal of all of this is, of course, to be able to share as widely and as accessibly as possible, concise, consistent, and comprehensive (though not exhaustive) information about all of the languages of the world. We are grateful to those who have collaborated with us in the past year by sharing their knowledge and by pointing out errors, lapses, and missing information. We look forward to more fruitful cooperation in the year ahead.

From all of us here, may all of you find yourselves experiencing all that is good and right and true in 2014.